Colour Guide

Your Aura is your own personal human energy field that presents itself in colours that the naked eye cannot see. We all omit unique vibes to the universe and your aura encapsulates them. It is what draws or repels people around you. Your aura is how you fir in to the magnificent universe. 

An Aura Reading is a special experience where you get to see what energy you are putting into the universe through an analog camera that shows you your true colours. The reading is pertinent to where you are at in your current life and can reveal some inner guidance.


Click to read more about the colour meanings…

/ Red

Seeing red in your aura is indicative of a a strong energetic connection to your root chakra. The root chakra is connected to the sensation of feeling grounded and secure. People with clear red in their aura have a strong passion for life, a focused mind and unwavering will. They come across courageous and fearless in the face of difficulty. Their fierce passion for life grants them plenty of opportunities to thrive because they are unafraid to take action. Romantically their intense passion for love sometimes blurs the line between lust and love but they are undoubtedly adventurous in the bedroom and desire a true connection.

If the red is murky that reflects potential anger, jealousy or an imbalance in life. The person may be nervous or impulsive and need to tend to their basic human needs.

/ Pink

Pink is one of the rarest colours captured in an aura. Those who express pink in their auras are romantic and joyful by nature. They are connected to the spiritual realm and are often dreamers. Sensitivity rules their lives and they find it hard to connect to those who are not loyal and sincere. They are gentle souls who adore companionship, art and love.

If the pink is murky it is indicative of immaturity in their lives currently or perhaps a twinge of dishonesty.

/ Magenta

Also rarely seen in auras but is beautiful to come by! Magenta is a combination of the throat, third eye (blue) and root chakra (red) colors. Individuals who possess magenta in their auras are creative, independent and eccentric. They are grounded in their spirituality and are unafraid to take the road less traveled. They can be the rebel of the crowd but find joy in deep connection.

If the magenta is murky they may be hypersensitive or in emotional turmoil. The murkier the magenta the more imbalance in the chakras and they need tending too.

/ Orange

Orange is the colour associated with the Sacral Chakra which is connected to the emotional body, sensuality and creativity. Orange auras are indicative of risk takers who are visionaries and prefer to collaborate with like-minded ambitious souls. They are courageous, joyful and innovative. They are high vibrating energetic souls who are always looking for something new to try out. They are magnetic which makes romantic partnerships easy but hard to pin down. Communicate freely with them and you’ll have a fun friend for life.

Murky orange auras are shining a light on their prideful tendency, concern over their vanity or their issues with committing to a job or relationship.

/ Yellow

You want to be near a yellow aura during a dark time. They are operating from the Solar Plexus Chakra and have the ability to find the silver lining on any dark cloud. The Solar Plexus is where we learn to assert ourselves and allow our light to shine. These individuals are optimistic, playful and generous. Yellow auras are brilliant and creative with a tendency to give too much to others.

A murky yellow aura is a sign of thinking too much or perhaps they are being overly critical of themselves or someone in their life. They could be stuck in sarcasm or perhaps a bout of depression is currently looming.

/ Green

Green is the colour associated with the Heart Chakra - where we learn to love ourselves and others. A vibrant green shows a firm foundation of self-love and a deep dedication to growth. Individuals with green auras are often healers and are connected to the earth. They have an ability to show up for others with a deep dedication and calm attitude. They operate from abundance and are natural givers in their relationships. They are open-minded to anything the future may have for them and are often pleasantly surprised with how life unfolds.

A murky green aura is indicative of self-doubt, jealously, possessiveness, envy and victimhood.

/ Blue

This is the most dynamic colour in the aura atmosphere. We’re going to break down each one for you so you can identify your aura with ease. Blue is the colour of the Throat Chakra so many of them correlate to efficient communication and self-expression.

Light Blue: Individuals with light blue auras are calming and serene. They are sensitive beings but divinely communicative. Honesty is of the upmost importance to them. If your aura is very light blue you are very peaceful leading you to be desirable to be around. You are likely the nurturing soul in your friend groups which puts people at ease.

Turquoise: If you have turquoise in your aura you are a natural empath with a desire to help others heal. You speak with ease which helps settle quarrels with assurance. You are a multi-talker and prefer to be in the center of projects. You are a natural leader and if you believe in your sensitivity as a positive quality you will go far. You make a great leader when your energy is clear.

Royal Blue: You perhaps are the most sensitive of the crowd but you are fearless when it comes to expressing your wants and needs. You are enthusiastic about most things which draws in positive souls into your life. You are generous with your time and energy which is sometimes taken for granted. Be careful with who you give your energy to.

Indigo: This colour represents the Third Eye Chakra which is in direct relation to intuition. You may feel overly sensitive but you are in perfect balance and relation with those around you. You can trust in your feelings over your rational brain. You may feel drawn to the metaphysical realm because you embody what some would call super-human powers. You are a deep feeler which may cause tension in your day-to-day life. It is hard for you to communicate effectively with someone who challenges your mindset. Trust in yourself.

If your blues are murky it is indicative of feeling disconnected to the truth. You may feel lonely in life right now. Take a big breath and try to stop rushing and worrying. This may also indicate hypersensitivity.

/ Violet

Violet is the colour of the Crown Chakra which connects us to a higher state of consciousness. If you are expressing violet in your aura you are likely a fierce manifestor with an unconventional view on the world. You are a visionary with a dynamic intuition that allows you to attract others with ease. You are a deep feeler for everyones emotions around you and can easily take them on as your own. Since you have a big heart you may work in a humanitarian setting where you tend to others needs. You have a natural warmth to you because you blend your mind and your heart which is easily transmuted through your words.

If your violet is murky you may be in a burnout from giving too much. You may be susceptible to manipulation from others and find it hard too deeply connect. You likely feel drained and need some time to recharge.

/ White

White is the rarest colour found in an aura. This is indicative of a highly spiritual and pure individual. This colour is also connected to the Crown Chakra that connects us to the universe. They are honest and uplifting beings to be around. They have a desire to change the world with their pure heart and intentions. Their energy is cleansing to all those who surround them.

If the white is murky it may mean that you are being too judgmental or you are in danger of being manipulated.


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